Open Studio Figure Drawing Now At Brenau Galleries

Open Figure Drawing Session

Come draw with us in Brenau University’s spacious Sellars Gallery! We will have a model for the full 3 hours during which participants can practice their figure drawing at their own pace, work on incorporating a figure into an existing piece, or however they’d like to use their time! Director of Galleries, Gena Brodie Robbins – who is a practicing artist and former art professor – will facilitate the session and offer any desired feedback or support. Brenau Galleries will provide standing easels and chairs, and recommends that participants bring drawing tools, boards and surfaces of their choice to the session. The session will include a series of short poses (1 – 5min) as well as some longer poses (10 – 20min) and one long 30 minute pose. 5 to 10 minute breaks throughout session.

General Public- Cost: $15.00. Brenau Students- Cost: $5.00
Payment taken at the door.
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*This Open Drawing Session is open to all 18 and above. The figure model will be partially clothed or partially draped for the duration of the drawing session. Space limited.
Brenau University Galleries reserves the right to cancel any session due to low enrollment or other circumstances. In this case, you can request a tuition refund. No refunds will be issued for days missed due to illness, family travel, or any no-show of any kind.